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I admit it. I’m addicted. There’s nothing I love more than a road trip…..
Recently I flew to the Gold Coast to begin my own personal road adventure around Northern NSW and it reminded me that car hire and excess car insurance coverage are a marriage in heaven – every single time!
“WHAT!” I hear you yell. Extra car insurance is a racket!” Believe me, I do understand your pain – I too always thought excess car insurance was an almighty waste of money. In my case, saying yes to this insurance would have nearly doubled the price of the rental and I was vaguely confident that my multi-trip annual travel insurance offered some sort of car rental excess coverage. Besides I thought nothing could go wrong – look at my safe driving record!
Big mistake
One minute I’m on my way back from a delicious dinner, stopping at a roundabout and doing the right thing by giving way to a vehicle, when SLAM, BANG, CRUNCH, OUCH!!! Needless to say over the next few days I learned some valuable lessons about just what can happen when you damage your rental car.
Please learn from my mishap and take my top three tips for ensuring a happy car rental:
As for me, $3000 later I will never turn down excess insurance again. At least the beaches were worth it!
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